

My week with Marilyn

Posters announcing the movie/ The theatre/ Hoodie with Marilyn print: I picked it up at a beach store in SF

I allready posted yeaterday that I was going to the movies, but I didn´t tell you what I was going to watch. So, I went to see My week with Marilyn. As you can see above even my closet was ready for this movie:) I really enjoyed the insight this movie gave on the life of an icon that died way to early and for the wrong reasons. I think the cast did an amazing job at presenting this heavy story in a thoughtful manner. Also the pictures and costumes were just gorgeous. I had a really good time watching the movie and an even better conversation with my friend about the downsides of fame afterwards. It really was a movie to make you think and wonder and it definitly was a movie that needed the big screne and setting of a theatre, just like person it portrayed!

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